Shopping for Sustainable Clothing: What You Should Note

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It can be difficult to know where to start when you want to become more eco-friendly and sustainable in your everyday life. But one great way is by shopping for sustainable clothes. This article will explore the options of sustainable clothing, as well as the different ways you can make this journey easier.

1. Check the labels

One way to start this journey is by checking the labels. The label will tell you the fabric type, where it was made, and whether or not it’s organic. You want to be sure that your clothes are made from fabrics like natural fibers (such as cotton, hemp, bamboo), recycled fabrics, or made locally. If a piece of clothing is advertised as organic, it must be made of at least 70% organic material to keep this label.

Organic clothing materials are made of natural fibers that come from plants. These materials are environmentally friendly and sustainable because they don’t require harsh chemicals or pesticides to grow. In addition, organic fabrics are biodegradable, which means they can be broken down and reused in the environment.

2. Shop at sustainable fashion brands

Another way to help the environment is by purchasing clothes from sustainable brands. Elizabeth Leigh, an eco-friendly clothing brand, focuses on combining sustainability and style through its wide range of clothing, jewelry, and body care products.

You should look for brands with a line of cotton garments that are greener than standard fabrics because they require less water and chemicals for production. These brands advocate quality over quantity, which means it creates fewer pieces in each collection so that their products.

3. Look for natural materials

knit handbag

Natural fabrics are a great alternative to conventional fabrics like polyester, nylon, and acrylic. Natural materials look more sophisticated and elegant compared to synthetic alternatives, plus they’re better for the environment.

There are a few reasons you should consider using natural materials when shopping for sustainable clothes. First, natural materials look more sophisticated and elegant than synthetic alternatives. Second, natural materials are better for the environment because they’re biodegradable. This means they can be broken down and reused in the environment.

Finally, using natural materials helps reduce the amount of water and chemicals used in the production of clothing. So, if you’re looking to make eco-friendly and sustainable fashion choices, consider using natural materials.

4. Don’t be trendy

You should avoid buying clothes that are currently “in style.” That is because fashions quickly change, which means that you’ll most likely be throwing away these clothes in the future. And if you are donating or selling sustainable fashion items, they won’t have enough value to cover the costs of shipping them.

Instead of buying trendy fashion pieces that will only last a couple of years and then end up getting donated, buy classic and timeless pieces like a pencil skirt or a blazer. These pieces are always in style, so you’ll be able to get your money’s worth out of them.

5. Shop secondhand

Another option is to shop at secondhand stores like op shops and thrift shops to find unique, sustainable fashion pieces that are already worn in. Secondhand clothing is more eco-friendly than new pieces because previous wearers have already weeded out the pieces that don’t fit their style or life circumstances.

Additionally, many recycled clothing items receive a second chance by being sold at op shops and thrift stores. And even if they don’t get sold, this clothing still gets reused when it ends up in textile recycling bins.

6. Avoid fast fashion

You should avoid buying fast fashion items that are cheap, trendy, and made of synthetic materials. This is because they contribute to the overconsumption of textiles in the environment. Fast fashion brands produce cheaply-made clothing that is produced quickly and appears stylish but doesn’t last long. To keep up with the demand, these brands produce more clothes in much shorter periods.

The reality is that these pieces are cheaply made and don’t last more than a few washes. Plus, the process of making synthetic materials requires more water and chemicals than natural fabrics, so buying cheap clothes contributes to environmental pollution.

7. Support local businesses

clothes shop

Another alternative is to buy sustainable fashion items from small and local businesses. This helps create a more eco-friendly, sustainable community because the money spent will be reinvested in the neighborhood instead of going towards large corporations’ profits.

Additionally, smaller companies tend to produce less clothing compared to larger brands, which means they’re also reducing their impact on the environment. And since local business owners are a part of the community, they tend to be more invested in their products and customers.

In addition to these benefits, shopping at smaller businesses tends to have a positive ripple effect on other people. In other words, when you buy clothing from small businesses, their employees get paid fair wages because there aren’t as many shareholders. And when employees are paid well, they can afford to pay their bills and afford necessities like clothing.

Sustainable clothing can be challenging to know where to start, but this article has outlined different ways that you can make eco-friendly fashion choices. Whether you shop secondhand, avoid synthetic materials, or support local businesses, there are many sustainable options when it comes to clothes. So, don’t be afraid to experiment until you find the style and brands that work best for you.

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