Birthday Party Ideas for Children Below Eight Years Old

Kids waring party hats at a birthday celebration
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One of the few things about birthday parties that have not changed is the amount of excitement they bring to the children and anxiety to the families. Younger children are especially difficult to please, with parents trying to accommodate everything they imagine their children might like. However, such celebrations do not need to become a whole production. Think about your baby, and not all the activities surrounding celebrations. You will not need to break a bank.

Other than finding a birthday party venue in Salt Lake City, the other thing that causes parents angst is the kind of activities to have. Unsure of what to do, they end up including everything, from hiring a clown to booking rides—efforts that children often fail to appreciate. The following are five ideas that you can use to make the next party you plan easier on your pockets and more satisfying for your child:

The First Birthday

Every year a child grows is a reason to be happy, but some years mark a milestone. The first birthday is such a milestone. For this, it is fine not to invite all your friends as though you are planning a graduation ceremony. The key here is to keep the party simple. Invite the immediate family and perhaps one or two of your closest friends. At this point, the child cannot express their preference, so you may choose a theme that means something to the family.

Outdoor enthusiasts may choose to hike or spend the day at a beach. If you would rather have a themed event, you could focus on moments that have been meaningful to the whole family. Keep invitations simple as well. Select bright colors that will look excellent in photos and have a fancy cake if you like. Note that this party is mainly for you and not for the child.

Birthday Brunch

Group Of Families Celebrating Child's Birthday At Home

After they grow past two years of age, you can organize for something like a pajama brunch for your child. Invite guests and encourage them to come in costume. Kids will enjoy seeing grown-ups out of their natural prickly element. You can keep the meals simple, giving children cupcakes and ice cream but regulating their sugar intake. Some hosts also choose to have donuts instead of cupcakes.

A pajama party may also work well if you plan quiet activities for the children. You can have small rewards for those who win any games. Alternatively, you can have them help with do-it-yourself activities and teach them essential skills while at it.

Outdoor Movies

Past five years of age, they are beginning to get opinionated, and you want an activity that makes them feel like a grown-up. You can hire a big screen and rent a movie for the children to watch in the outdoors. A movie party can be combined with pool activities and food.

You want to begin planning the party early enough to have time to settle all aspects. If you are caught in the last minute, you can organize a messy party where kids just come to get themselves dirty without anyone asking them to be quiet and clean. However, planning ahead of time guarantees that you save money and organize the best time possible for the children.

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