#CoupleGoals: Keeping the Love Alive Before the Wedding

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Weddings are romantic. But wedding planning? Not so much. You’re crunching up numbers while pacifying nosy moms and calling up loved ones who can’t seem to make that RSVP. The spark between you and your soon-to-be-spouse can easily get lost in the middle of all this drama and stress. Some couples even experience being on the verge of calling off the wedding or just eloping so that they can save their relationship. You don’t have to go to drastic measures like that, though. By committing to keeping the love alive, you can keep your relationship intact.

Don’t Skip Dates

It’s tempting to postpone dates when you’re in the middle of juggling cake-tasting and bridal-fitting, especially when you still can’t decide what to get. But don’t ever give in to that urge to bail out on dates. No matter how busy you are, make time for your fiancé. What’s there to celebrate on the big day when the wedding plans drove you apart? Set a regular schedule for your time together. Make sure that on those dates, you never talk about anything wedding-related. Remember that this is a time to focus on each other, not on flowers or barn venues.

Try different types of dates. Go chill; stay in on a Friday night, grab some wine, and watch your favorite movie. Go wild; hop on your car and drive away without a destination. Go productive; work out together to hit your #fitnessgoals before the big day or schedule a fun shoot with a photographer so that you can be comfortable posing for the camera. If you’re still looking for wedding photographers Detroit-based agencies recommend going for someone who can pull off a short documentary, especially if you’re camera-shy.

Focus on Meaningful Talks

Couple on a tropical beach

Beyond spending time together, your conversations matter, too. As you know, communication is what makes or breaks the love in the relationship. So whenever you go on your scheduled dates, go into it to know each other more deeply. Now, there are many ways you can initiate meaningful talks, but to make it easier for you, think past-present-future.


Reminisce the good old times. Talk about that time when you first met or first texted each other. Perhaps go back to that restaurant where you popped the big question.


Think about what’s right in your relationship now. Share with your fiancé what you appreciate the most about them.


Dream together. Discuss what your plans are, where you want to live, how many kids you’re going to have, when you start having babies, which countries and beaches you want to see, and more. These conversations will help you learn more about each other and hopefully make you fall in love with one another all over again.

In the end, it’s challenging to preserve the spark in the relationship when you’re in the middle of wedding planning. It’s possible, though — with commitment. Amid the busyness of jumping from one barn venue to another, prioritize your love for your soon-to-be-spouse.

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