Self-love amid the Pandemic: Why Most Women Experience Self-doubt

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Have you’ve been feeling stressed, sluggish, and depressed these days? Have you been sleeping too much or too late at night? Have you been feeling stuck and unmotivated? Have you been crying or feeling heavy even without reason?

Don’t worry. It’s normal, and you are not alone. A million others worldwide are feeling it, too, and it is all because of the pandemic. With all the changes it brought—remote work setup, distance learning setup, stay-at-home orders—everyone must be feeling anxious and stressed. With its major blows like job loss, loss of loved ones, getting sick—these contributed to the heavy feeling.

Survey says people are experiencing mental health issues

One year into the pandemic, the American Psychological Association released a study entitled “Stress in America.” The study emphasized how the pandemic has affected the mental health of people. Amid the fears of getting sick, worrying about our loved ones, being isolated at home, and not being able to enjoy the usual pre-pandemic activities, it is all but normal to feel depressed.

According to the study, most adults suffered from weight changes during the onset of the pandemic. Others gained more weight than they desired, as much as 15 to 29 pounds on average.

Meanwhile, two in three American adults experienced irregular sleeping habits. Some said they slept more while others slept less. At least one in four American adults also said that they’ve been drinking more alcohol. This served as their coping mechanism to the stress brought about by the pandemic.

Half of the parent respondents said their stress increased during the pandemic. This is most likely due to the changes in the educational setup of their children. More than three in five parents said they felt more stressed now that their kids are on a distance learning setup. Meanwhile, the youngest generation said they suffered from mental health issues, especially during the pandemic.

American women doubting themselves more

According to The Body Shop Self Love Index, 43% of respondents below 35 years old said that they often felt depressed and anxious. Those who use social media for two hours or more are the ones who mostly feel depressed and down.

Unfortunately, Americans under 35 years old ranked at the lowest 25% of the Self-Love index. One reason for this low self-confidence is their financial status. Another reason is the feeling of not making any success in what they want to achieve in life. They also get anxious because of the overall state of the world. To sum it up, according to the survey, one in two women doubted themselves more during this pandemic than they loved themselves.

self care concept

This is why women should be reminded that it is okay to feel down during these difficult times. But, there are also simple ways to make themselves feel better, no matter how small. While these may not solve their anxieties, they might help to lighten up the mood. Here’s what you can do:

· Give yourself the best sleep.

Buy a good mattress if you have to. You don’t need to buy an expensive one. There are good mattresses on sale, so find one that’s comfortable. Buy fluffy pillows, too. Set the mood at night. Make the lights dim, and use your favorite linen spray. Light a candle before you go to bed and play your favorite jazz music in the background. It will help lighten the mood so you can easily sleep at night.

· Talk as often to your loved ones.

Schedule video call sessions with your families and friends. Tell them about how your day went. Share how you feel and let them know your worries. Listen to theirs. Play a game even if it is t virtual. Send them food and have a dinner party over Zoom. If you can visit them already, go by all means. Just make sure to observe social distancing at all times.

· Take a rest.

Forget about your deadlines. The world can wait if it has to. Prioritize rest above anything else. Stay away from social media for some time. Do not answer calls if you don’t feel like it. Stay in bed with your pajamas the whole day or binge your favorite series on Netflix. You deserve to rest, and your mind deserves the calm.

Self-love isn’t always about pampering yourself with the best massage or that pretty nail care. Sometimes, self-love is about spending time with yourself doing nothing. Just savor every single moment of it. Self-love is drinking coffee in the morning, worrying about nothing. It is listening to music and dancing if you feel like dancing. Your most deserved love is the one that comes from within, especially during this pandemic.

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