Abdominal Bloating Isn’t the New Normal

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You eat, and you feel full—this is the natural progression of things. Over time, however, you might notice that, even if you are not full, your abdomen seems to be just about to burst. No, that’s definitely not a food baby!

Help, I’m Bloated!

There are many reasons your abdomen could be distended, foremost of which is the possibility that you are lactose intolerant. A person suffering from lactose intolerance typically has a hard time breaking down dairy products. Because of this, there is a buildup of gas within the stomach, which can lead to the bloated feeling as well as the appearance of a distended stomach.

Eating salty food most of the time can also cause bloating. You have to keep in mind that salt causes your body to retain water. The problem is that the water does not get retained in different parts of the body; it gets stuck somewhere along your abdomen, giving it a distended appearance. The same goes for fizzy drinks as well as food made with refined carbohydrates.

There are also times when the type of food is not the problem but the quantity of food that you take in. Not many people may know it, but your heart is not the only thing that is the size of your fist. Your stomach also is. The only difference is that your stomach has the ability to stretch; however, overeating can give you a very uncomfortable feeling. Depending on what you have ingested, the pain and discomfort may linger for a few minutes to a few hours.

What Do I Do Now?

Yes, it’s a cliché, but the best way to prevent a bloated stomach is to eat right and exercise. Now, eating right does not have to be drab. You can still enjoy your favorite meals as long as you keep everything in moderation. You also need to be careful about the ingredients that you use when you prepare your emails. For example, instead of broccoli or Brussels sprouts, choose kale or other dark green, leafy vegetables and then smother them in olive oil salad dressing that Utah groceries typically have.

Instead of chomping down on your food, try to take things slower. Savor the flavors, like they say, and give your stomach time to fully digest the food before passing it to your intestines. Not only will this keep you from feeling bloated, but it will also ensure that you do not suffer from indigestion.

Walking after a heavy meal is also a great idea. This allows your blood to get pumping and your stomach to be more efficient in digesting your food. Be careful, though, as any extraneous exercise may cause the blood to go to your leg muscles. This will only slow down the digestion process instead of hastening it.

Lastly, you might be feeling a little drowsy after a heavy meal. Do not give in to napping! As much as possible, do some small activities that will keep you busy. Lying down and napping can actually increase the likelihood of heartburn and acid reflux. Stay upright instead and allow your stomach to do its job.

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