Keep Your Horse Healthy: A Beginner’s Guide

a white horse
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Owning a horse is a huge responsibility. It can also cost you a hefty amount of money, from purchasing your horse to its maintenance. Like other animals, you need to provide them with the right care to keep them healthy and happy.

If you’ve recently bought your first horse, here are three tips to guide you in caring for your equine friend.

Provide Your Horse with Proper Health Care

Your horse’s nutritional needs should be your priority. A horse’s diet is rich in fiber and water. You have to feed your equine with large quantities of grass and dust and mold-free hay. For its water, make sure to have plenty of fresh, clean supply. Horses usually drink once or twice a day, but it’s better to have available water any time.

Apart from the diet, your horse also requires vaccination. Consult a veterinarian to know the appropriate vaccine. There are different vaccines available for various purposes, such as:

  • Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis
  • Rhinopneumonitis (equine herpes)
  • Equine influenza
  • Rabies
  • West Nile virus

Regular deworming is also necessary to keep your horse healthy. Without it, it may experience weight loss, show poor coat, and get colic due to worms. Your veterinarian can deworm your horse and prescribe the appropriate medication. You must also keep your horse away from parasite exposure.

Ride Your Horse Safely

a horse running

Horseback riding is an exhilarating activity. You can explore acres of public lands, especially in Utah where you’ll enjoy scenic alpine lakes and pine forests. When riding your horse, though, don’t forget to observe safety. This begins by tacking up your horse; tack is any equipment for riding your horse. Proper riding equipment will ensure your safety and comfort, and they will include the following:

  • Saddle with girth or cinch
  • A saddle pad or blanket
  • Bridle
  • Helmet
  • Safety stirrups or boots with a one-inch heel

Apart from horse riding accessories, you must also invest in other equipment that you can use when caring for your equine. These include a feeding tub, large buckets, mane comb, lead ropes, and more.

Protect Your Horse from the Changing Weather

Horses can normally adapt to any weather. They only struggle with sudden temperature changes, especially if they haven’t prepared themselves yet. For instance, it can be challenging for your horse when the temperature starts to drop, and it hasn’t yet grown its winter hair coat.

It’s necessary to understand how you can protect your equine for temperature fluctuations. One way is to give your horse high-quality windbreaker. You may also provide them with an open-faced shed where they can go to when they want. If your horse is healthy, these can help moderate temperature swings.

Keep your horse healthy, and make sure they get enough nutrients. Otherwise, your horse may not be able to handle the sudden cold. Healthy ones, however, know how to regulate their body heat as long as you don’t restrict them.

It’s your responsibility to provide your horse with proper care. Equip yourself with enough knowledge to further understand their needs. This can help you maintain your horse in good health.

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