Style Matters: What to Keep, Change, and Junk

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Fashion is ever-changing, but style is ever-lasting. You can buy the latest clothes and follow trends, but if you are not dressing for your style, this is your biggest fashion faux-pas.

Luckily, getting your wardrobe in shape does not require you to spend a lot of time or money.
That is the era of mix and match, clothes swapping, and vintage appeal.

A few smart choices, an understanding of your style preferences, and a base statement piece, you can become a trendsetter instead of a trend follower.

Prepare the Foundation

Building a fashion profile is just like designing a home. The clothes, colors, and accessories you choose depend on the look you are trying to achieve or project. Establish this look first.

Look to your hair, your bone structure, and your lifestyle when determining your look.

Your lifestyle will decide the type of clothing which you should choose. For example, if you are a working professional who enjoys a night out, you will need clothes that can go from day tonight. The colors and accessories that enhance these clothes will be determined by your hairstyle and hair color.

If you have chosen a hairstyle that works for your face and lifestyle, then it can aid you a great deal in selecting the right clothes. Having limitations in color palette gives you more cuts and pairings to work with and style.

Know When to Let Go

Your wardrobe choices are limited because you limit your wardrobe spaces by keeping clothes you no longer need. That is a mistake that many people make, and it is understandable.

Some people deliberately purchase clothing a few sizes too small as ‘motivation’ for weight loss, but all it does is take up needed room in your wardrobe.

Grit your teeth and make the tough choice to get rid of the items that no longer fit you. There are so many good causes that will benefit from your clothing donation. If you choose to sell, then you can reinvest the money you get to updating and improving your wardrobe.

Donating or selling a beloved blouse can be emotional, but focus on how it will now bring joy to its new owner. That also allows you to make space for a new and well-fitting item of clothing that can become your new favorite.

woman's ootd

Have a One-in-One-out Policy

A very effective way for you to de-clutter and make sure your wardrobe stays a manageable size is to change the way you approach buying new clothes. Develop a policy whereby you donate or give away an item of clothing for every new thing you purchase.

That will keep you accountable as well as reducing the possibility of impulsive buying. You will be guaranteed to put real thought and determination into your clothing choices.

This policy will also help you cut your current wardrobe down to a reasonable size. Everyone has pieces in their closet that do not suit them and are bought on a whim. This new policy allows you to easily identify those fashion errors and find an effective way to replace them.

Keep in mind that any clothing that does not fit and does not make you happy does not deserve room in your wardrobe.

Consistency Is the Key to Style

Once you have dealt with your wardrobe situation, it is time to form a consistent look. Personal style is very similar to having a uniform. That does not mean wearing the same outfit in different colors.

A uniform style is more about building a look around the clothing that best suits you. Keep it simple by identifying the parts of your body which you like and dislike. Choose clothes that enhance the areas that give you confidence, and understate other areas.

For example: imagine that you are very proud of your toned arms but feel your legs are too short. Sleeveless dresses, t-shirts, and blouses will show off your arms, while tapered hemlines, patterned leggings, and cropped jeans can draw attention away from your legs.

Developing a formula in this manner can also help you figure out how to adapt your existing clothing to suit your uniform style.

Be a little more adventurous and step out of your comfort zone. You may find that you have a stylist within who has been waiting to burst out and dazzle the world.

Fashion can be bought, but style comes from within. Always choose to be true to who you are, and you will never go out of style.

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