What to Remember When Attending a Wine Auction

Wine Auction
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If you have attended an auction or bidding in the past, then you might have spent a lot more money compared to what you were initially planning on spending. This usually happens to those folks who are not prepared when coming to auctions. While spending a couple more dollars might not mean too much to you, it would still be great if you could come to these bidding events fully prepared.

Below, we will discuss some of the most important things you should remember when attending a wine or bubbly auction or bidding. Whether you are planning or giving this as a champagne gift delivery to a special friend or family member, we’ve got you covered.

Know About the Auction House

You should not attend an auction just because you think their wines and bubblies are top-notch. The first thing you have to check is the auction house and the provenance of the wines that they are selling.

See if the auction house is licensed to sell and auction wines. Ask them for the wines’ purchase date, how they were stored, etc. You will be paying lots of money for these wines, and you definitely have the right to ask these questions before purchasing.

Do Your Research

Get a catalog of the wines they are auctioning and do your research at home before going to the event. See at what price range other sellers are selling the wines for, as you might be able to buy these wines for lower prices somewhere else. While you’re at it, research what you can do with wine apart from drinking it — just for fun, or not.

man holding wine

Not All of These are Consumable

You might already know this if you usually go to events to buy wines you usually collect. When attending an auction or bidding for wines, you should remember that not all of these bottles can be consumed, as some of them have been kept for 30 or more years.

There will definitely be some form of warning on the labels or from the auction house, but just to be sure, remember to always ask the auction house if the wine or bubbly is still okay to consume or not.

Ask Your Friends to Join You

If you have other friends that are wine enthusiasts themselves, then ask them if they want to join you with the bidding. Most auction houses sell bottles by the case, and if you only want to take a bottle or two with you, then it would be worthwhile to share the remaining bottles with your friends.

Take a Look at the Fees

Some auction houses ask their customers to pay a buyer’s fee, which is why you should always check the catalog to see if there are fees to pay on top of your purchase. This might be written in small text, too, so make sure to scan the catalog for it. You might also have to pay for the tax and the import taxes, so go ahead and take a look at the catalog before you go to the event.

Your experience will be a lot more fun if you keep these things in mind. Enjoy and may you get the best wine there is!

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