Choose for Your Juice: Picking an Online Platform for Your Juice Biz

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Starting a juice business can be easy if you already have a comprehensive plan. There are some difficulties along the way, but you can overcome them if you have Plan Bs. Initially, you may be thinking of starting a brick and mortar store. It is a viable plan, especially if you are targeting people who are always on the go. But if you want to widen your scope and extend your reach, you are supposed to go online.

This may present another layer of challenges for you, but that should not always be the case. You can make the operations much easier with the help of a reliable e-commerce platform. Do not just pick the one that you have seen first while you are planning it. There are some parameters and criteria to look into. Now that you are done choosing industrial centrifugal juicers and packaging materials, there are some pointers that you need to keep in mind when choosing an online business platform. Here are some of them:

The Pricing and Packages

E-commerce platforms do not come cheap. And if you have found something affordable with great features, beware—they are too good to be true. Your objective here is to get the most of your e-commerce platform. Online platforms charge monthly, while others have one-time payment with minor charges every month. The price of your monthly payment will also depend on the services you will use. Regardless, choose based on the needs of your business and your customers.

Compatibility with Add-ons

While e-commerce platforms have a lot of wonderful features at your disposal, you will surely want to add some touch of personalisation, which will make the site much more functional. For one, you may want to add a widget that allows customers to rate your products. You have to see to it that the platform you will use can accommodate the add-ons you want to include. This is because some platforms do not allow third-party applications.

Mobile Responsiveness

Businessman working on the smartphoneOne exciting insight into consumer behavior is that everyone is using mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. With this in mind, you should make shopping more convenient for them. And this is what you can do by making sure that the platform you will use is mobile responsive, meaning the layout and functionalities can suit different screens and devices. You may also consider tweaking some design elements in case mobile responsiveness is not a function that they offer.

The Support

You are running your business 24/7, and you have to expect that problems are bound to happen. With this, you should make sure to address the problem in real time. You have to see to it that the provider you are working with offer strong customer technical support that will fix any site problems as soon as possible.

Starting a juice business online should first depend on the choice of your e-commerce platforms. The effectiveness of your chosen platform will reflect on a set of metrics: sales, engagement rates, and site visit number.

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